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Mobile application for a hotel


2 мин.

3.05.2019 г.

Developing a mobile app is an investment that saves much of the ad budget in the long run. Installing such an application leads to generating direct traffic to the hotel's site.

The hotel serves a complex of clients' needs such as accommodation, meals, SPA services, additional excursions, extras and more. A customer begins to use the service you offer much earlier than the hotel accommodation.

The first impression of a hotel is formed from its site. Therefore, the website of the hotel should provide a rich description, quality photos, be easy to handle, and navigate a few clicks to the visitor to inquire and book.

Here are some benefits of a mobile hotel application:

  • -     by installing it, the user demonstrates his or her future intentions for booking or has already been your client who wants a convenient format for submitting a quote and receiving a quote;

  • -     saving time for request handling, as well as human labor;

    -     the customer can pay online if the application has an integrated vPOS terminal;
  • -     registration and departure of the hotel can be automated by mobile application;

  • -     allows to send to all or specific users special offers and offers in real time;

  • -     the ability to send surveys to improve service, add additional services or improve the facilities.

Keep up-to-date with technology developments and provide your customers with the opportunities offered by the mobile application. We at Evolution of Dreams will help you in this enterprise.

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